Optimal graphics settings are in the table below: You should also set Screen Mode to Fullscreen for best performance in Elden Ring. You can turn down or turn up the Texture Quality according to the amount of VRAM your Graphics Card has. To increase FPS in Elden Ring, you should keep the Grass Quality, Antialiasing Quality, SSAO, Shadow Quality, and Volumetric Quality as low as possible in graphics settings. Note: On some PCs it may be better to set it to High performance. Select Balanced under the Preferred plans section.Right-click on the Windows Start icon on the bottom left.This is a strange situation, while it should be the other way around, performance issues for Elden Ring can be fixed by switching the power plan to the Balanced in Windows. It is possible to increase the performance on your PC by changing the Power Options in Windows settings. Set the “ Texture Filtering Quality” to Performance 4.There are some tips for AMD users to improve performance a bit more on Elden Ring.

In the menu you reach by following the steps above, use the " Select the preferred graphics processor for this program" drop-down list and set it to " High-performance NVIDIA processor". If you are a laptop user, you should ensure your GPU driver selects the correct GPU for Elden Ring. Set “ Texture filtering – Quality” to “High performance”.Set “ Power management mode” to “Prefer maximum performance”.